Celebrating National Poetry Month with Dr. Sam Hazo | KDKA

“Celebrating National Poetry Month with Dr. Sam Hazo”
Monday, April 3

Talk Pittsburgh host Heather Abraham chats with Sam Hazo.

The Power of Poetry: In Celebration of The International Poetry Forum | Carlow University

Holy Slang: A Weekend of Poetry | The Beatrice Institute

holy slang
Image credit: Beatrice Institute

Literary Society Presentation | La Roche University

“Creating Genre: Biography in Poetry and Prose”
Friday, Feb. 25, 7 p.m.

Dr. Janine Molinaro, chair of the La Roche English Department, discusses her publication of a literary biography of poet Samuel Hazo: “Before the Pen Runs Dry: A Literary Biography of Samuel Hazo.” The presentation explains how Dr. Molinaro created a new type of literary biography and the challenges of this venture without a model to emulate.

Explore more here.

Sharing the Light Speaker Series | Sacred Heart Parish

An Elegy for Oscar | Pittsburgh Quarterly

picture of dog

What Lasts Recalls What’s Lost | Dappled Things

Of Poetry and Pittsburgh | Beatrice Institute Podcast

podcast thumbnail of sam hazo

Catholic Imagination Conference, Loyola University of Chicago, Dana Gioia & Sam Hazo

Hemingway's Poetry Series

Hazo at Hemingways

WQED: Voice of the Arts Podcast

WQED Podcast

The Catholic Culture Podcast

Episode 100: The Singular—Samuel Hazo

The Catholic Culture Podcast

Episode 28: An Introduction to Maritain’s Poetic Philosophy

The Catholic Culture Podcast

Upper St. Clair Library, October 2019

Franciscan University, April 26, 2019

This speaking engagement celebrates the launch of Hazo’s book The World Within the Word: Maritain and the Poet.

Start the video from the beginning to hear Dr. James Matthew Wilson’s excellent introduction of Sam’s book and reading from his own newest book of poetry The Hanging God (Angelico Press 2018).

'A Circle of Friends' Poetry Reading at La Roche University, April 12, 2018

La Roche University Literary Society Presentation, Autumn 2016