When I was what you are, the world

was every place I’d yet to go.

Nothing near, now, or here

meant more than something anywhere


Today, the ratio’s reversed.

Back from anywhere, I watch

the Indiana earth I walked,

measure Indiana’s level weathers

and remember…

Where did twenty-five

Decembers go?

North of action,

east of indecision, south

of possibility, and west of hope,

I stare into the now and then

of all those years at once.

A sophomore who has my name jogs

by in ski boots and an army-surplus


Netless tennis courts

turn populous with players only

I can recognize.


the campus pines still celebrate

their rooted anniversaries.

A DC-7

seams the zenith with a chalkmark

wake, and clouds rush over

lake, dome, and stadium

like bursts of smoke from field


No different in its bones,

no greener, not a foot more hilly,

Indiana’s real for the acknowledging.

I sit back, listening, observing,

memorizing everything.

Two decades’ worth

of meals and months and mileage

consecrates this minute.


an eyelash swimming in my coffee

seems important.

When I was half

my age, I never would have seen it.

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