What absence only can create

needs absence to create it.

Split by deaths or distances,

we all survive like exiles

from the time at hand, living

where love leads us for love’s


We tell ourselves

that life, if anywhere, is there.

Why isn’t it?

What keeps us

hostages to elsewhere?

The dead

possess us when they choose.

The far stay nearer than we know

they are.

We taste the way

they talk, remember everything

they’ve yet to tell us, dream

them home and young again

from countries they will never leave.

With friends it’s worse and better.

Together, we regret the times

we were apart.

Apart, we’re

more together than we are


We say that losing

those we love to living

is the price of loving.

We say

such honest lies because

we must- because we have

no choices.

Face to face

we say them, but our eyes

have different voices.

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